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Grade 1: How the World Works (HTWW): Home

Sound and light affect our lives in many ways.

Sound and light affect our lives in many ways

Useful Databases

Sensing Sound 3:43

What Vibrates?

Want to Know About Light?

Do you know about light? In this BrainPOP movie, Tim and Moby will teach you all about artificial light sources and visible light. Click on the image above to watch the movie.

The Magic of Making Sound 6:32

Sensing Light 3:27

What Makes This Shadow?

Mystery Science Lessons for Light and Sound

Mystery Science has five lessons exploring light and sound. Click on the image above to view the lessons.

Light and Sound: Let's Test!

Vibrating Balloons Practical Experiment 2:43

Can You See in the Dark?

Introducing Sound: Brain Pop

Did you hear that? In this BrainPOP movie, Tim and Moby introduce you to the world of sound! You will  find out how sound and ocean waves are similar, yet different, as you learn about different kinds of waves. Click on the image above to watch.

BBC Film Clips: Light and Sound

This BBC site has 17 clips about light and sound. Click on the image above to learn more.

Ten Top Experiments with Light and Optics 12:12

United Nations International School, Hanoi