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Kindergarten: How the World Works (HTWW): Home

We explore to understand our world.

We explore to understand our world.

Useful Databases

My Five Senses - (Read Aloud) 3:07

SMELL | Five Senses Song | Wormhole English - Songs For Kids. 2:25

Five Senses! (Compilation) | Wormhole English - Music for Kids. 10:07

The Five Senses for Kids - Preschool Education. 3:10

TASTE | Five Senses Song | Wormhole English - Songs For Kids. 0:15

HEARING | Five Senses Song | Wormhole English - Songs For Kids. 2:13

5 Senses Sing-Along. 0:15

Five Senses - The Kiboomers Kids Learning Songs For Circle Time - Body Parts Song. 1:31

TOUCH | Five Senses Song | Wormhole English - Songs For Kids. 2:05

SIGHT | Five Senses Song | Wormhole English - Songs For Kids. 1:43

United Nations International School, Hanoi