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General Science Resources: Databases

WebPath Express

Driven by the library and gives you access to many resources that are checked and are reliable.

Search engine that provides reliable websites at a middle school reading level.


Find fast answers and homework help.

Explore videos and articles on famous people and places.Discover maps, photos, and illustrations for school projects.


The Day Science

Daily online newspaper for teenagers focusing on the big issues that are transforming the world. The purpose is to help students think for themselves and connect with the wider world by reading and talking about current affairs.

Facts on File: Essential Chemistry

Encyclopedia of chemistry topics.

Facts on File: Today's Science

Bridges the gap between the science that students learn in the classroom and the discoveries pushing the boundaries of science today.

Full STEAM Ahead

Gale in Context : Global Issues

A database designed to support global awareness. Authoritative content empowers learners to critically analyze and understand the most important issues of the modern world.

Gale in Context Middle School

Eye-catching overview pages on science topics that bring together nonfiction materials in all digital formats. Users can read or watch to get the facts with articles, videos, charts, images and infographics, and more.

Gale's Opposing Viewpoint in Context

New York Times - Science

Daily articles from the New York Times on science topics. The reading level may be more advanced.


Science news articles. The reading levels can be changed for each article to 5 different reading levels.



Science Journal for Kids & Teens

Science Online

Presents a broad range of scientific disciplines through extensive essays, videos, diagrams, definitions, biographies, and experiments.


World Almanac for Kids

Excellent science diagrams for handouts as well as provocations of simple snippet of science topics and videos.

United Nations International School, Hanoi