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SDG 10


SDGs | KnowSDGs

Mission Statement: "Reduce inequality within and among countries."


SDG 10 UNIS Library Books

SDG 10 Global Issues

1. South Africa is among the most unequal countries in terms of income distribution, with a significant wealth gap between the richest and poorest populations. This inequality is evident in various aspects of life, including access to resources, opportunities, and living standards


2. African Americans face significant economic disparities compared to white Americans. They earn less for the same jobs, have lower median household incomes, and lag behind in accumulating wealth.


3. Black Lives Matter is a decentralized political and social movement that aims to address racism, discrimination, and racial inequality experienced by Black individuals

What Actions can you take?

1. Raise your voice against any type of discrimination. Everyone is equal regardless of their gender, race, sexual orientation, social background and physical abilities.

2. Favor companies that are inclusive. Check the lists of the companies that are inclusive for different minorities through employment there or their products.

3. Visit local shelters, orphanages or minority community centers and organize a conversation space to discuss the importance of these rights or volunteer there regularly.

Tackling Depopulation in Serbia

SDG 10 Goals

SDG 10

United Nations International School, Hanoi